See following message from NZTA.

Temporary RUC reduction to be reintroduced soon

The Government has announced it’s extending its temporary transport relief package until 30 June, in response to concerns about the cost of living. The package includes cuts to the cost of public transport and fuel excise duty, and a reduction in RUC rates by 36 percent (approximately equivalent in savings to the fuel excise duty cut). RUC rates, which were reduced last April, returned to their normal level on 1 February.   However, the Government has now announced the temporary reduction will be reintroduced as soon as possible. A Bill will need to be passed through Parliament to reintroduce the RUC discount. Until then, the full rates of RUC will apply.
What to do

We don’t know when the reduced rates will be reintroduced. If you have a current licence, there’s no need to do anything until it runs out. If your current licence expires before the reduced rate is reintroduced, you’ll need to buy a new licence at the normal rate. If you have had to buy a new RUC licence at the normal rate and are still using it when the RUC reduction is reintroduced, you’ll be able to overlap any unused distance at the reduced rate.