Fuel Saving Tips

From an AA article. Might seem obvious but a good reminder.

“The best way to save on fuel is to use another way of travelling rather than driving if you can, but that obviously only works in some situations.

“For the majority needing to use a car, it’s worth shopping around for fuel. There can be big differences in fuel prices between different petrol stations in the same area. The Gaspy App shows you all your local prices. You can also make significant savings by making the most of the numerous fuel discount schemes.

“People can also cut down on fuel consumption by driving smoothly – your car performs more efficiently when you drive at a steady speed. Having a heavy foot on the accelerator and brake pedals chews through more fuel than you’d think. And make sure all your tyres are at the right pressure.

“Other worthwhile tactics are planning trips to avoid congestion and combining multiple tasks in one outing. Anything that cuts down on engine running time will reduce fuel consumption,” says Collins