Clean Car Discount

The Clean Car Discount applies to vehicles registered from 1 April. The Clean Car Discount consists of rebates and fees based on CO2 emissions for imported new and used vehicles the first time they are registered in New Zealand. High CO2 emission vehicles will be charged a fee, the higher the CO2 emissions the greater the fee. Low CO2 emission vehicles will be eligible for a rebate, the lower the emissions the greater the rebate. Vehicles with moderate emissions will not incur a fee or be eligible for a rebate

The emission value of a vehicle is calculated according to the requirements in the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Efficiency and Emissions Data 2022. In rare cases where a value is not provided a default value is assigned by Waka Kotahi.

Go to Clean Car Discount – All updates | Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency ( for more info. Their site is very informative and easy to follow in relation to this.